Colored Dots

Are you Considering an Apprenticeship?

If you are still at school, you can leave to undertake an apprenticeship at the age of 16 rather than staying on at school or attending college under the Raising of the Participation Age (RPA) model. After your 16th birthday, you can choose one of the following options:

- Full Time education, at school, college or home.

- An apprenticeship.

- Part time education or training if you are employed, self-employed or volunteering full time, which is defined as 20 hours or more a week.

Benefits of an Apprenticeship

Apprenticeships can kick start your career and have multiple benefits including:

- Earning a salary whilst you learn

- Gaining skills, knowledge and behaviours that employers want

- Increasing your future potential earnings

- Mapping your career and possible progression opportunities

- Increased long term job security

- Learning at your own pace

Apprenticeship Wage

Apprenticeship wage is bound by the National Minimum Wage which stipulates the minimum hourly pay that most workers are entitled to by law, many employers pay their apprentices at a higher rate. For more information, on National Minimum Wage click here.

Apprenticeship Discounts

For a small fee, you can obtain a NUS Apprentice Extra card which will give you access to discounted prices with a variety of companies. You can find more information on the NUS card by clicking here.

Applying for an Apprenticeship

You can look for apprenticeships in your area by using the Apprentice Vacancy Matching Service, or use the National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) to see what employers are looking for and apply online. This can be found here.

Getting a Job:

Guide for Apprenticeship Interviews

You can search for a job in the local papers, online, and also at the National Careers Service website.

Employability Skills

Entering the workplace means you will need a new set of skills which will include:

- Communication skills - be able to read, write, and speak clearly

- Manage information responsibly - work as a team and use the available technology to support your work

- Think and solve problems - assess situations and find solutions

- Demonstrate a positive attitude - be confident and take care of yourself

- Be responsible - set goals and achieve them

- Be adaptable - work as a team or individually, be able to adapt to change

- Continually learn - plan and achieve your own learning goals

Life Skills created with Barclays

This site has a wealth of information to guide and support you with your choices. You can access advice on the following topics:

- Building confidence and being assertive

- Looking at your next steps

- Gaining skills at work

- Developing experience and networking skills

- Grasping money and understanding your payslip

- Enhancing your online presence

- Preparing for interviews

- Succeeding in the workplace

- Help in applying for jobs

- Insite into how the world of work is changing

- Obtain virtual work experience

- Create enterprise and business skills.

Life Skills created with Barclays is available here.

Try out the Wheel of Strength

This interactive tool gives you an insight on what career is right for you. This is available here.

Parents - there is a designated web page for you which will give you the tools, tips and advice for you to unlock your child's potential. This is available here.

Click here to download 'A Parents Guide to Apprenticeships' leaflet. https://assets.publishing.serv...


When applying for a new job, college or an apprenticeship, you may be asked to provide names, addresses and contact details for potential referees. One of the referees can be your school, college or last employer and the other can be a personal referee, someone that you know who can vouch for you. Do not forget to ask permission from your potential referees to put them down as a point of reference.


Apprenticeships can help you progress further with your career and as they are multi layered, you can start with a level 2 apprenticeship and progress through to degree level and beyond. Speak to our dedicated Employer Engagement Officers to seek independent guidance and support to help you map your career.

Your Apprenticeship

Your course will develop your skills, knowledge and behaviours in a job role. You will engage with an Initial Assessment at the start to capture you current attainment levels and help us plan your learning. Whilst on programme, you may undertake assessments which lead to a qualification and these can be assessed via formal testing, observations and questioning. and a vast range of other methods chosen to suit you. Most of all, you will continue to develop Maths and English skills to promote your professional overall persona.

Electrical Industries Charity

This organisation will provide you with guidance and support throughout your life, if you have worked in the industry. There is dedicated support for financial, legal, emotional health, and family factors which can be managed proactively. EIC is available here.

Mental Health Support

One in ten young people suffer with mental health issues, and you do not have to suffer alone. The Focus Training Group can put you in contact with Remploy who can offer individual support by trained professionals. Remploy's specialist advisers can help you with:

- Emotional wellbeing support and advice

- Advice on simple workplace adjustments

- Successful coping strategies

- A step-by-step support plan

You can contact Remploy directly either by calling 0300 456 8210 or by emailing on

Equality and Diversity

All learners have the right to be treated equally and have any diverse needs met. The Focus Training Group support individuals and will listen to your concerns and work with you to plan a suitable outcome for your needs.


All apprentices have access to a dedicated team who can advise you on any safeguarding queries you might have. You have the right to work and learn in a safe environment which is free from threat and harm. If you are experiencing trouble at work, in the classroom or at home we can help you. Speak to your Centre Coordinator who will listen to your concerns and obtain your independent advice on your options. The Centre Coordinator will liaise with the Safeguarding Lead ensuring that you are guided and supported, as you desire, to address your concerns.


Ensuring that individuals are not radicalised or pushed into extreme behaviours is important to us. We promote the UK's counter terrorism strategy, CONTEST, and its Prevent measures. All individuals undertake guidance on not taking illegal action against the UK. We want our learners to be safe in their actions and can discuss any problems, challenges or threatening behaviours they are faced with.

IAG Ongoing Support

Information, guidance and support is available at any time, including prior to your sign up, whist you are on your learning journey and after completion. Our dedicated Employer Engagement Officers will discuss your needs at any point, therefore please feel free to get in touch with us.


Our apprentices have a right for your expectations to be met and any shortcomings can be investigated or explained. If you have a complaint, we will listen and find a solution for you. Please speak to your tutor or training consultant who will take your initial complaint and seek guidance on solving this issue. If you would prefer to speak to someone else, speak to your Centre Coordinator who will pass your complaint on to the relevant member of the management team.

Social Media

Social Media allows many employers to view your profile even before you have met them. Make sure you think before you post your personal comments, only connect with friends and people known to you personally, be kind, do not share your passwords with anyone, adjust your privacy settings and control what people can see about you.

Need further support?

The National Careers Service website also has online tools to help you choose the right job for you. The Skills Health Check is available here. This is a set of quizzes and activities designed to help you explore your skills, interests and motivations. You will be able to download your report once you have completed at least one assessment. You can also set yourself an Action Plan which can help you at job interviews.

Learner Case Studies

Ted Taylor

"I undertook my electrical apprenticeship and enjoyed the learning experience with my day release and how I was able to take what I had learned and transfer the skills and knowledge into the workplace. I gained site experience and completed my apprenticeship. I wanted to support other electrical apprentices and obtained a full time position with a training provider who have trained me to fulfil my ambitions. I now hold my Award in Education and Training and I am working towards my Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement qualification. In the future, I want to undertake my Diploma in Education and hold QTLS status.

I started with an apprenticeship and now I am teaching apprenticeships, from my point of view, apprenticeships offer training to obtain a skilled trade and job security."

Charlie Barnes

"I started my career by working as an apprentice and completed my Level 2 Plumbing and Heating qualification with John in the Newton Abbot site. Once I had competed this, I wanted a full time position and decided that being self employed would give me the flexibility to undertake the work I wanted to do and to develop my skills for the future. I have enrolled onto the Gas Foundation course which will give me the theoretical knowledge required to become a gas engineer as I can support my practical learning in the field with my mentor. I will work towards achieving my ACS qualification and be a fully fledged Gas Safe registered engineer in the near future.

I have grown as a person since achieving my apprenticeship. I am confident to self-direct my career and have taken the opportunity to continually learn and take responsibility for my own progression."

Jessica Martin

"When I first started the Adult Care Apprenticeship, I was extremely nervous and was unsure what I was writing for each assignment, working closely with my assessor she helped me build the confidence I was lacking, and brought me out of my shell. I could turn to her for support anytime I needed it throughout the qualification. I have moved from my level 2, to my level 3. I have plans to do my level 4 and eventually my 5 as I would love to be a manager of a care home".

Talia Henry

"The business administrator course helped me learn all about the business world whilst also helping me build my confidence. I found that every lesson was not only interesting but also helped me a lot in my role. As well as this, the teachers are very student-orientated and will do anything to help their students reach their best potential".

Leon Rowe

"Throughout my whole time at The Focus Training Group, I felt like a valued classmate being given help along every step of the way by all the staff, I have always been a firm believer that the best way to get started within the working world is by completing an apprenticeship and after doing this myself I can whole heartedly say that I would recommend this path to people of my age! After completing my course, I am now a happy member of the working team at Student Choice which was made possible by completing the level 2 customer service course".

Kate Gosling

"Focus Training provided great training and support throughout my L3 qualification. My tutor David, always had loads of time for me and any questions which I had, making sure that I understood all that I needed before the end of my lesson. During my L3 AAT Focus provided me with amazing knowledge and information, which has put me in a great position moving forward into the Level 4 training, as I now have a good understanding of the fundamentals in the industry.

Since completing the Level 3 and starting my Level 4 training, I am expanding my responsibilities in the office as well. I am now undertaking some small personal tax cases in preparation for the module that is covered in the Level 4 qualification on personal tax. I also undertake more analysis meetings with clients, which allows me to provide explanations behind their numbers, and advise/guide them in the future. I enjoy these new responsibilities as it allows me to build stronger relationships with clients.

I am hoping that after completing the Level 4 AAT, I will have stronger knowledge and a deeper understanding in the industry which will allow me to take part in more activities in different departments around the office, like having a go at some corporate accounts.”

Contact Us

If you would like to make an enquiry please complete the contact form below

Bristol Centre - 01454 614203
Exeter Centre - 01392 829100
Newton Abbot Centre - 01626 832374
Plymouth Centre - 01752 348980
Redruth Centre - 01209 311001
Or contact us via email on: -
ESFA Service Desk Contact Information: - Telephone: 0370 2670001 Email:

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