
It’s estimated that the cost of fraud to UK businesses could be as high as £190 billion each year, with over 70 per cent of fraud occurring in the private sector and over 20 per cent in the public sector.

An increasing number of companies are experiencing fraud, or finding they need to invest more to prevent it. Ensuring your organisation understands the different types of fraud and how to prevent it is vital, and will help you protect your business and employees from the serious consequences fraud can result in.

Who is this course aimed at?

Any employee who may be in a position where fraud is a potential risk, as well as their managers.


The Definition of Fraud

Different types of Fraud

Legislation relevant to Fraud

Consequences of Fraud for Individuals, Businesses and Organisations

Facts that explain how and why Fraud occurs

Circumstances that increase the likelihood of Fraud occuring

Fraud Risk Management

Creating a zero-tolerance culture

Anti-Fraud Policies

Preventing and Detecting Fraud

Fraud Investigation


The course will take 20 to 40 minutes.

We will provide you with the link you need to take the course upon booking and payment.

Will I receive a Certificate?

Learners will receive a Highfield E-Learning completion certificate, which is downloadable upon successfully finishing the course.

What books will I need?

No books are required.

How much will it cost?

£10+VAT per candidate.

How do I book for this course?

Contact us directly if you're interested in this course. We can then process your booking, take your payment and provide you with the link to the online course.

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If you would like to make an enquiry please complete the contact form below

Bristol Centre - 01454 614203
Exeter Centre - 01392 829100
Newton Abbot Centre - 01626 832374
Plymouth Centre - 01752 348980
Redruth Centre - 01209 311001
Or contact us via email on: - enquiries@thefocustraininggroup.com
ESFA Service Desk Contact Information: - Telephone: 0370 2670001 Email: SDE.servicedesk@education.gov.uk

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