
A Leader in Adult Care has responsibility for managing community or residential based services.

This role has a large element of leadership, whether with other care workers and networks or in leading the service itself. A successful apprentice will have met all the requirements. They have a responsibility to ensure the service is safe, effective, caring, responsive to people’s needs and well-led. They may be a registered manager of a service, unit, deputy or assistant manager. They will be responsible for ensuring regulatory compliance of the care given and the values and training of staff with established standards and regulations.

The Leader in Adult Care will guide and inspire teams to make positive differences to someone’s life when they are faced with physical, practical, social, emotional, psychological or intellectual challenges. They will be a leader of the care team and will develop and implement a values-based culture at a service or unit level.

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The Details

Duration: 18 months + 3 months End Point Assessment (EPA)

Cost: The apprenticeship cost is £7,000 + VAT:

  • 16-18 Year Old Apprentices
    • Fully funded by the government
    • Plus a £1,000 incentive to the employer
  • 19-21 Year Old Apprentices
    • Fully funded by the government
  • 22+ Year Old Apprentices
    • Employer pays 5% of the total apprenticeship cost
    • Contribution Amount: 5% of £7,000 = £350 + VAT

This structure allows non-levy paying employers to take advantage of significant funding opportunities and government incentives, making it more affordable to hire and train apprentices.


Classroom Delivery: One to one in the work place

On Programme Delivery

Functional Skills: Both maths and English are required at Level 2 or relevant GSCE results

Qualification: Level 5 Diploma in Adult Care

Knowledge and Understanding

Tasks and responsibilities - statutory frameworks, standards, guidance and Codes of Practice. Systems and processes needed to ensure compliance with regulations and organisational policies and procedures. Principles of risk management, assessment and outcome based practice. Principles and underpinning theories of change management. Legislative and regulatory frameworks which inform quality standards. Theories and models that underpin performance and appraisal including disciplinary procedures.

Dignity and human rights - legislation and policy initiatives on the promotion of diversity, equality and inclusion in services they lead.

Communication - legal and ethical frameworks in relation to confidentiality and sharing information. Range of tools and strategies to enhance communication including technology.

Safeguarding - legislation, national and local solutions for the safeguarding of adults and children including reporting requirements. The elements needed to create a culture that supports whistleblowing in the organisation.

Health and wellbeing - models of monitoring, reporting and responding to changes in health and wellbeing.

Professional development - principles of professional development. Goals and aspirations that support own professional development. Elements needed to create a culture that values learning, professional development, reflective practice and evidence based practice. Systems and processes necessary to ensure professional development opportunities are identified, planned, sourced, evaluated and recorded for workers.

Leadership - theories of management and leadership and their application to adult care. Features of effective team performance.

Assessment in the Workplace

Your designated Assessor/Trainer will visit you in the workplace to support the development of your on-programme portfolio and to complete your quarterly reviews

Tracking Your Progress: Our electronic portfolio, OneFile will track your progress

People Involved in Your Apprenticeship

Group Quality Manager: Michelle Pointer

Assessor/Trainer: A qualified and experienced assessor

Internal Verifier: Julie Capaldi

Gateway: On completion of the on-programme learning, the employer, training provider and learner will confirm that the apprentice is ready for the End Point Assessment

End Point Assessment (EPA)

EPA assessment is an Observation of Practice and a Professional Discussion.


To achieve an EPA pass, the apprentice must achieve a pass in both assessment methods. To achieve an EPA distinction, the apprentice must achieve a distinction in the professional discussion assessment method.

Are you interested in the Adult Care Worker Apprenticeship?
Please call 01752 348980 or email us using the form below

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Bristol Centre - 01454 614203
Exeter Centre - 01392 829100
Newton Abbot Centre - 01626 832374
Plymouth Centre - 01752 348980
Redruth Centre - 01209 311001
Or contact us via email on: - enquiries@thefocustraininggroup.com
ESFA Service Desk Contact Information: - Telephone: 0370 2670001 Email: SDE.servicedesk@education.gov.uk

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